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a guarantee of quality & security

The GEP or Good Experimental Practice label defines the organisation of experimental networks and the conditions that are applied to plan and conduct trials as well as to control, register and use the obtained results. The GEP-certification label provides an extra guarantee that your study data will be reliable and comparable. CETEV has been awarded the GEP-label since 2009. We also respect other recommendations in terms of quality assurance in order to provide reliable, thorough and relevant trials, studies and tests.

The respect of GEP guarantees :

The scientific quality of your study.

The validity of the protocols and working methods used.

The know-how of all staff members involved.

The use of adequate materials and installations.

The quality of the data recorded.

The quality and method of reporting.

CETEV’s GEP-certification covers the following areas :

Non-Crop areas

Horticultural production and outdoor plants

GEP regulatory trials

an essential step towards product homologation and certification

By respecting Good Experimental Practice, the CETEV team provides study reports that are officially recognized to help your product get registered for use in Non-Crop areas and Horticultural applications.

In accordance with the French ministerial ruling of April 26th, 2007 on official and officially recognized trials for products mentioned in article L.253-1 of the French Rural and Maritime Code, the biological evaluation of phytopharmaceutical products is to be executed by official organisms or by organisms that hold a GEP-certification.

For trials to be officially recognized during the certification and homologation process, the experimental organism must:

hold the GEP certification for one or more activities

declare the trials in the official register of the Ministry of Agriculture

cetev is GEP-certified since 2009

CETEV’s GEP-certification was granted by the COFRAC, the official French institution for the certification of companies.

The certification is generally granted for a renewable period of 5 years and is followed by mid-term audit.


More details on CETEV’s certification for Good Experimental Practice


CETEV doesn’t limit its GEP-approach to official registration and homologation trials. We apply the same rigor to all our other trials and tests, whether we study phytopharmaceutical products, biocontrol products or alternative methods: